Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sunflowers Then and Now

Sunflowers have been an important part of cultures around the world for centuries, these beautiful large yellow flowers are not always harvested only for their beauty

The scientific name of the sunflower is Helianthus Annuus, a member of the aster family, it is a native plant of North America. The flower turns as it follows the movement of the sun each day. It became the state flower of Kansas in 1903, however it is not only exclusive to that state as large crops of sunflowers are grown in many states.
Native Americans were the first to discover the many uses of the sunflower centuries ago. It was considered the 4th sister when planting their traditional crops of corn, beans and squash, as it was planted on the north side of the garden. Buffalobird-women of the Hidatsa Indian Tribe told about the sunflower  and how she planted it each year in her garden in Minnesota during the late 1800's. The sunflower seeds were the first thing planted each spring in early April during the Sunflower planting moon, and they were the last to be harvested in the fall. She would take the large sunflower heads and lay them face down on the roof to dry.

 The seeds were then roasted, parched and then pounded creating an oily textured meal to make  a dish that included four vegetables called  do'patsa-makihi'kĕ. 

The large leaves of the sunflower plant were used as a lid to cover squash as it cooked. The sunflower meal was also used to make sunflower seed balls that warriors carried with them. A few bites would refresh and give them energy. The whole sunflower seeds were stored in cache pits with the other vegetables for use during the winter months. Native Americans were the first culture aware of the value and many uses of the sunflower. The stalks were used in basket weaving, the yellow flower as a dye and along with using it as a food source, they used the oil harvested from pounding for their hair and other uses. 

It was during the 16th century that Spanish explores returned to Europe with the sunflower, where it became known as a popular ornate flower. A new use for Sunflowers was discovered in 1716 when the English created a process to squeeze the oil from the seeds. 

The sunflowers eventually found their way to Russia, where they are credited with developing them into a food crop. In the 18th century sunflowers in Russia were harvested for their oil, and by the 19th century they had become the major exporter of Sunflower oil in the world.
Today there are three types of sunflower oil manufactured NuSun, linoleic and high oleic, each one has it own unique benefits. Sunflower oil and seeds are consumed in a variety of foods by people in many counties.  There are many nutritional benefits from the seeds and the oils. The oils are rich in vitamin E as are the seeds. Sunflower seeds are also a great source of folate and other vitamins and minerals. They provide quick energy along with protein and fiber. 

In the United States, farmers began to raise sunflowers as a feed crop in 1880, yet it remained a just a minor crop until the 1970's when the hybrid was created. The sunflower then grew in popularity as a food source for humans. It also became a favorite summer flower to plant in home and commercial gardens.

There are many different colors and sizes of sunflower plants available today for a variety of uses. Beautiful large bloom sunflowers are grown for flower arrangements. Some plants produce the best sunflower seeds for birds and human consumption, while other seeds produce a large amount of oil

During the past one hundred years the sunflower has been incorporated into home and farm decor. Sunflowers are also used to decorate personal fashions 
and accessories.


Wild Seed FarmsVelvet-Queen Sunflower 
Sunflower art in Kansas ~ aerial photo of a field planted with sunflowers
Vintage Sunflowers Collection
Advice from a Sunflower - item # 996 t shirt 
 Vintage Sunflowers Collectionby Hobbyhawkgifts

Sunflowers, 1881 by Monet. Canvas Print
The large sunflower is a favorite for artists as they have re-create the bright colorful blooms using a variety of mediums for years. Drawings and paints of sunflowers create wonderful pictures for home decor and gifts. Artists also have used clay, metal,wood and paper to create beautiful sunflower forms.

The sunflower has been a favorite design to stitch into many needle crafts items through the years. 

It is a popular design to crochet and knit. The flower has been stitched into a variety of embroidery items over the years.
Unidentified Artist, Sunflowers and Hearts,
1860-1880, cotton, American Folk Art Museum, New York

Today there are many fabrics designs made with sunflowers to create wonderful items.
                     Sunflowers Fabric Collectionby Hobbyhawkgifts
Sunflowers Fabric Collection

Sunflowers shapes 
are a favorite design pattern to create art quilts.

Show Off Sunflower

Here are a few more sunflower items made from fabric a pincushion and a fabric bowel.

Sunflower Theme Weddings 

Sunflowers have become a favorite flower for summer and fall wedding themes. The large yellow flower provides a beautiful accent for the wedding decor and fashions for the bride and attendants. 

Buffalo Bird Womens Garden

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back to School Then and Now

Longfellow Elementary School  Salida School District R-32

It is that time of the year where  children in America prepare to go back to school. Going to school has changed in many ways in the last one hundred years. In the early 1900's many children were educated at home or attend school in one room schoolhouses. An example of a one room schoolhouse is still found in Maysville, Colorado. It was built in 1882 when the town of Maysville was a booming mining community at the base of Monach Pass.  While the town of Maysville  is now a ghost town,  the near by community of Salida grew. Today approximately 1100 students attend one of six schools in the same mountain area. One of those schools is Longfellow Elementary where over four hundred students in grades Kindergarten thru 4th grade attend each year. It is ranked as one of the best elementary schools in Colorado.
 One hundred years ago only one teacher was in charge of a schoolhouse.

The teacher, often known as the Schoolmarm was usually an unmarried woman. She was responsible for preparing and teaching individual lessons in a variety of subjects for several children of different ages and education levels. The children all sat together in the same classroom sharing a bench or desk.
Today school buildings have many classrooms where both men and women are teachers.In the elementary grades they teach basic subjects to only one grade level of students at a time. Teachers in middle and high schools teach one subject per class that may have a mixed grade levels of students. The children in schools today sit at their own desk or  table space. 

Old School
Desks in a One Room Schoolhouse
These small desks were made of wood as the children sat close together in the small room.

Modern desks and classroom Salida High School 2013 Desks in schools today are made of plastic, metal and wood. They are easier to move around in the larger classroom that is often has carpet on the floor to reduce noise.

Old School Books and Slate

 by SusanSavad

Create one-of-a-kind 

picture post cards at Zazzle

School Supplies in the 1900's

 The school supplies list for students one hundred years ago was very short. The cost for these items also seems very inexpensive compared to the cost of school supplies today.

Pencils (dozen) .15 
Tablet (100 sheets) .05 
Crayons (1 dozen ) .15 
Book Straps ( 1 pair) .05 
School Bag .05

School Supplies in 2015

Today students have a never ending list of supplies needed for school. They also need backpack, bags and containers to keep items organized. Depending on the grade level and subjects students  many also be required to purchase various technical items as additional school supplies. These include calculators, scientific instruments,  ipads and lap top computers.  
School Supplies & Tools Collage

Public and Private schools create  extensive lists of required school supplies each year.  These lists do not include the backpacks, lunch boxes and containers that the student may also need. School Supply lists for older students in the Middle and High School grades vary based on each subject they are enrolled in.

   School Clothes 

 One hundred years ago school clothes for children were  hand sewn by their mothers, or ready made outfit could be purchased for about $5.00.  The girls had school dresses and the boys had suits, they both wore long black stockings. Mothers could purchase wool flannel, gingham check and calico fabrics costing .05 cents to .12 cents per yard.  Children shoes ranged in price from .43 cents to $3.15 a pair and stocking cost .25 cents.  A boys waist shirt and trousers could be purchased for a combined cost of $1.50.

 Today  the style  and cost of school clothes vary depending on the age of the student and if the school they attend has a dress code or require uniforms.

One hundred years ago the cost of clothing and school supplies for each child was $20.00 or less. 

This year the estimated cost for each child going to school in America for the 2015 school year has been estimated as follows by Huntington Banks. 
$649 for Elementary School children
$941 for Middle School children
$1,402 for High School student

The Comrade., September 09, 1910, Image 5

Bisbee daily review., September 03, 1905, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8