The summer hit movie Inside Out is more than a few fun hours of animated entertainment in air conditioning. It also helps children and their parents to understand the variety of human emotions and how they effect our lives.
Dr. Dacher Keltner served as a psychological consultant for the movie, providing information on the purpose of emotions and how they affect memory. As he explains; “I hope this movie becomes part of our cultural understanding of what it means to be a child and what it means to be a human being and to grapple with these emotions,"
Dr. Dacher Keltner served as a psychological consultant for the movie, providing information on the purpose of emotions and how they affect memory. As he explains; “I hope this movie becomes part of our cultural understanding of what it means to be a child and what it means to be a human being and to grapple with these emotions,"
In a review of the film by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat they believe "one of the most spiritually alluring message of Inside Out is the alliance that is forged between Sadness and Joy." As they explain; "Most of us have been taught to hide, stifle, or camouflage "negative" emotions." In the movie Joy wants to keep sad memories out of Riley's mind, but she eventually realizes that some of her happiest memories came right after sad feelings.
In the article How Inside Out Can Help Your Kids Talk About Tough Feelings, by Colleen Moriarty, she suggests that this movie is a great way to initiate a discussion with children about their feelings . In the article Dr. Nathaniel Herr explains “You can’t have a life with only joy. There is a place for disgust, which gets you to brush your teeth; fear, which helps you get out of a bad situation; and anger, which helps you stand up for yourself.”
Dr Herr and Dr Allison Baker give advice on how parents can use the movie to help their children cope with emotions. Their advice includes;
Create a safe environment for emotions.
Watch your reactions.
Be sensitive during big changes in your child’s life.
Teach coping strategies.
Help your child see different “takes.”
Make your child’s feelings a priority.
What Disney Pixar's New Film Teaches Us About Emotions is an article written for Psychology Today by Dr. Kristen Lee Costa. There are 7 Essential lessons for embracing life's inevitable highs and lows. As she states; "Inside Out is not only another endearing creative masterpiece, it also teaches us some important lessons on the nature of our emotions." Dr Costa explains that all of our emotions are important and we cannot just eliminate the ones we are not fond of.
7 Essential Lessons from the movie:
2: We don't always have to think positive.
3: Emotional contrasts are important.
4: Emotional states aren't permanent.
5: Difficult emotions can protect us.
6: Emotions reflect our deeper values and desires.
7: All emotions can be catalysts towards growth.
The voices of the emotions in Disney-Pixar Inside Out. Joy voice of Amy Poehler, Fear voice of Bill Hader, Anger voice of Lewis Black, Disgust voice of Mindy Kaling, Sadness voice of Phyllis Smith