Monday, June 22, 2015

Inside Out Kids Emotions

The summer hit movie Inside Out is more than a few fun hours of animated entertainment in air conditioning. It also helps children and their parents to understand the variety of human emotions and how they effect our lives.
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Dr. Dacher Keltner served as a psychological consultant for the movie, providing information on the purpose of emotions and how they affect memory. As he explains; “I hope this movie becomes part of our cultural understanding of what it means to be a child and what it means to be a human being and to grapple with these emotions,"

In a review of the film by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat they believe "one of the most spiritually alluring message of Inside Out is the alliance that is forged between Sadness and Joy." As they explain; "Most of us have been taught to hide, stifle, or camouflage "negative" emotions." In the movie Joy wants to keep sad memories out of Riley's mind, but she eventually realizes that some of her happiest memories came right after sad feelings. 

In the article How Inside Out Can Help Your Kids Talk About Tough Feelings, by Colleen Moriarty, she suggests that this movie is a great way to initiate a discussion with children about their feelings . In the article Dr. Nathaniel Herr explains “You can’t have a life with only joy. There is a place for disgust, which gets you to brush your teeth; fear, which helps you get out of a bad situation; and anger, which helps you stand up for yourself.”

Dr Herr and Dr Allison Baker give advice on how parents can use the movie to help their children cope with emotions. Their advice includes;

 Don’t expect your child to “keep smiling". 

Create a safe environment for emotions. 
Watch your reactions.
Be sensitive during big changes in your child’s life.
Teach coping strategies.
 Help your child see different “takes.”
Make your child’s feelings a priority.

What Disney Pixar's New Film Teaches Us About Emotions is an article written for Psychology Today by Dr. Kristen Lee Costa. There are 7 Essential lessons for embracing life's inevitable highs and lows. As she states; "Inside Out is not only another endearing creative masterpiece, it also teaches us some important lessons on the nature of our emotions." Dr Costa explains that all of our emotions are important and we cannot just eliminate the ones we are not fond of.
 7 Essential Lessons from the movie:
1: Feelings add color to our lives.
2: We don't always have to think positive.
3: Emotional contrasts are important.
4: Emotional states aren't permanent.
5: Difficult emotions can protect us.
6: Emotions reflect our deeper values and desires.
7: All emotions can be catalysts towards growth.

The voices of the emotions in Disney-Pixar Inside Out. Joy voice of Amy Poehler, Fear voice of Bill Hader, Anger voice of Lewis Black, Disgust voice of Mindy Kaling, Sadness voice of Phyllis Smith

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fly Fishing

     The art and sport of fly fishing has a history that extends thousands of years. Claudius Ælianus, a Roman naturalist documented fishing with flies in his book titled: De Natura Animalium. Written around 200 AD, he describes how the Macedonians caught trout with an artificial fly similar to a red wooley worm using a six foot long rod. The Austreus river in the Macedonia area of Greece is where Ælianus indicates he  fished. Researching this myth in 2001 Dr Goran Grubic and Andrew Herd concluded that the present day Arapitsas river is the same river that Ælianus wrote about.

The Arapitsas River in Agios Nikolaos

   Fly fishing equipment has changed since Ælianus time, yet the concept and goal has remained the same. The method is to create imitation flies or bugs on a hook that is then tied to a thin line that is attached to a rod. The ultimate goal is to present a very real looking and acting fly that the fish will react to and hopefully try to eat!

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Vintage 1800s Angling Fly Fishing Flies Lures Lure Posters

Fly Fishing    There are two challenges in selecting the right fly or bug to have a successful catch. The imitation fly need to look real to the fish by being the correct color and size. Matching the hatch is also necessary, this is done by watching the bug life around the water to see what the fish are eating.

Fly Fishing by TroutWhiskers
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Fly Fishing in Waders Greeting Card Presenting the imitation fly correctly on the water is the next challenge in catching your trophy fish. Dry flies need to act like real flies as they lightly land softly on the surface of the water.Fly Fishing in Waders Greeting Card by mainstay
Check out other note cards online at Zazzle.

Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing Nymphs, Wet and Dry Fl... Print
 Imitation bugs and worm. that go under the water also need to act like the real bug does under the water. Nymphs are the immature forms of insects, fish eat many different kinds of them. Imitation nymphs also need to look and act real to have a successful  catch. 

Common Trout Species- Brown,Rainbow & Brook Trout

 The fly fishing method is most often used to catch trout and salmon, however it can also be used to catch pike , bass and panfish.

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Sockeye,Chinook,Coho Salmon
 Salt Water fish can also be caught with the fly fishing style of angling. Marine species that can be caught with a fly rod include; redfish, tarpon, bonefish, tuna, sailfish and salmon. 
Saltwater Game Fish- Snook, Seatrout & Redfish
Fly Fishing Equipment 

 The modern fly fishing angler uses a special fly rod and reel that allows for casting the fishing line lightly on the water. Many anglers also wear waders that allow them to get into the water without getting wet. 

    The sport of fly fishing is an addiction to many anglers. For others it seems to be more of an art than a sport, the reward of being able to cast a dry fly perfectly on the water to fool the fish. Still others believe that fly fishing is a religion as Norman Maclean wrote in A River Runs Through It :"In my family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing."

    Fly Fishing continues to be a popular sport around the world and in the United States of America. In 2012 there were approximately 3.83 million fly fishing anglers in the USA that spent $748 million on fly fishing gear, guides and travel. 

Fishing quote by Henry David Thoreau Posters
Fishing quote by Henry David Thoreau Posters by Snowpeaceful
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Angling trade survey data 2012

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tomorrowland Disney

    Tomorrowland is a new original Disney movie created by Brad Bird and Damon Lindelof. Together they have created a fun live action film with wonderful positive dreams for the future world of tomorrow. The movie director Brad Bird has been involved in several popular  Pixar-Disney movies including Ratatouille and The Incredibles. Damon Lindelof is an established TV and movie writer creating these popular works  Cowboys and Aliens and the televisions series Lost.
    There are many talented stars  in this movie: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Thomas Robinson, Tim McGraw, Kathryn Hahn, and Keegan-Michael Key. The movie has a PG rating for sequences of sci-fi action violence and peril, thematic elements, and language, it is a great movie for adults and kids 5 years and older. 

Disney's Tomorrowland - Official Trailer 3

   To see more previews of  the Tomorrowland movie visit the official website at Tomorrowland Official Disney Movie .  The Take Me To Tomorrowland Interactive website is great way to explore more about this fun movie. *Spoiler alert* this interactive may give you too much information if you have not seen the movie yet. Take Me To Tomorrowland interactive .
    Brad Bird and Damon Lindelof visited Talks at Google to discuss the making of Tomorrowland. This hour long interview took place the day before the movie was released. They  shared an animated concept film that was designed for the movie but eventually it was not used. It is still a great clip, titled :The Origins of Plus Ultra.

*Spoiler alert* The Talks at Google interview may contain too many details and information about this movie if you have not seen it yet. To watch the entire interview follow this link. Disney's TOMORROWLAND w/ Brad Bird &; Damon Lindelof | Talks at Google